2023 Innovation Grant Winners
Noreen Dwyer
Project: Inclusive Blacktop Learning Prompts for Whole Child Development
Description: Provide an outdoor space that would provide play opportunities for all students. Expand equipment available for Early Childhood Special Education students and students with mobility equipment. Create a painted blacktop to empower teachers to utilize the blacktop as an outdoor classroom and learning space.
Michael Ashton
Project: Breakout to Nature
Description: The detention center science teacher will leave the classroom and go to a remote location for a day to webcast a virtual outdoor learning experience that is tied to learning standards for students assigned to biology and earth science courses (the most common science courses for students at CJDH). Students will tune in from the classroom and interact with the teacher. Additional innovation: Some of the students at CJDH are allowed to have release time for educational or employment purposes. Assisting at the outdoor site could be one of the options provided for students with those privileges.
Kelsey Hilton
Project: Science and Literacy for ELLs
Description: Science based vocabulary cards, magazines and books that will be used by ESL students to enhance their learning and knowledge of science.
Angie Poole
Project: Special Education Therapy Room
Description: Create a therapy room nearby our 3 medically specialized teaching rooms which will allow alternative positioning and comfort to students that need skin and pressure relief. I plan to add a full (double size) treatment table, positional seating (seating that supports the full body), and passive range of motion exercise equipment to stretch and strengthen students.
Rachael Pifer
Project: Chiefs Drive-Thru Coffee Shop
Description: Purchase materials to expand the school café to provide a drive thru coffee service to parents of Gordon students during morning drop off.
Breena Edwards
Project: Improving Sound Quality for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Description: Purchase sound proofing materials and noise reducing equipment for the classroom in order to improve the sound quality for deaf and hard of hearing students.
Sarah Thomson
Project: Future Business Leaders of Chesterfield County (FBLCC)
Description: Offer an after school business course elective for students in an after-school group to create and sell t-shirts and hats with materials purchased through the grant
Christine Bowen
Project: Chefs Under Cover
Description: With the help of the FACS teacher, we will hold a book club/cooking club once a month. Each month students will be able to read a different book, and then create a dish that connects to their reading. The books that we have planned to cover consist of stories from other cultures and religions and we aim to highlight these through cooking and baking.
Yvonne Terry-Kidney
Project: One Pack Outdoor Classroom
Description: FCES has many areas that can be reimagined into part of the One Pack Outdoor Classroom. Create a vegetable garden with nine raised beds; located between the main building and the mega-trailer beginning in Spring 2023. The first part of our project will also incorporate the existing picnic tables and bleachers as outdoor instructional spaces for all age groups and subjects. In the Fall of 2023, the interior courtyard will be turned into a meadowscape, where students can observe and care for native plants; creating a natural pollinator garden that we plan to have the students register as a Monarch Waystation. The One Pack Outdoor Classroom will provide learning spaces and opportunities for Pre-K through 5th grade students.
Courtney Saunders
Project: Five Houses One Home
Description: Create a house system based on the Ron Clark Academy program. There will be five houses that will support the foundation of social and emotional development of our future community leaders and provide multiple opportunities weekly for our students to pursue their passions and goals.
Kimberly Royle
Project: Experience Beyond the Classroom: a forward thinking approach to using VR for academic and SEL benefits
Description: Purchase VR headsets to fully engage students in virtual reality. Because this technology provides access to content in all subject areas, this purchase is beneficial for all teachers. Students can visit and experience Pearl Harbor, the rainforest, or participate in virtual field trips worldwide. Lessons can be designed to provide students the opportunity to immerse themselves into the ocean and explore shark habitats or travel the path of oxygen or blood. For Physical Education, students can feel what it is like to be a goalkeeper, run a marathon, or compete in the Olympics.
Emilia Evans
Project: Oculus Prime
Description: Purchase 13 Oculus/Meta Quest 2 Virtual Reality sets (headset/controllers + protective case) for use in the library. Each Oculus will be used in pairs as one student will wear + one student will be their guide/handler for safety purposes. This will allow 26 students to participate at once.
Jessica Saunders
Project: Power through Power Standards with Guided Math
Description: Purchase guided math kits that include detailed lesson plans with activities that deepen student understanding of core math concepts.
Cindy Weber
Project: Science is FUNdamental
Description: Purchase tools to teach and reinforce science concepts using different learning styles, such as kinesthetic and artistic, to engage students in the material required by the state standards.
Sherry Nyquist
Project: Drone Coding and Aerospace Engineering
Description: Purchase drones to use in the STEAM resource classroom. K-1 will get to observe drones, 2-3 will learn the basics of coding drones and the careers that use drone technology alone with math and science concepts. 4-5 grades will fly the drones and learn more about coding, circuit boards, flight paths and drone uses.
Renee Mayo
Project: Cultivating Environmental & Community Stewardship
Description: Purchase a Tower Garden and other materials to study Aquaponics
Christina Sienkiewicz
Project: Mariachi Ensemble
Description: Purchase Mariachi instruments, Spanish language music books, and Mariachi master classes
2021 MCD Innovation Grant Recipients
Amirah Bohler
Project: Heard Around The H.I.V.E.: Honing our Individual Voices through Engaging announcements
Description: Create a studio at our school, a consistent place where students can learn and strengthen their technology and public speaking skills.
Grant Award: $3,000.00
Ashley Perry
Project: The Outdoor Classroom in Pre-K
Description: Creating an outdoor classroom that would be inclusive for all students.
Devon Groves
Project: Ecoff’s “Tribe Trail”: More Than Just Movement
Description: Install a sensory path in our building providing social emotional support, as well as academic benefits, for students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Elizabeth Gallup
Project: Soft Corals Monitoring Project
Description: Purchase and set up a saltwater aquarium in the classroom to grow soft corals.
Erinn Dilday
Project: Increasing Equity and Engagement with XR (Extended Reality)
Description: Purchase XR-enabled virtual tours utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology and consult with David Waltenbaugh, a leader in the field.
Jaclyn Vames
Project: MBK TV
Description: Purchase broadcasting equipment for MBK TV that will provide a school-wide news broadcast live-streamed to every classroom for the morning announcements every day.
Jade Miller
Project: Girls Who Code @ Carver Middle
Description: Provide an afterschool program focused on coding and technology for girls only.
Jennifer Benson
Project: Robotic Journey Through Storytelling
Description: Purchase the Ozobot Evo and the Sphero BOLT, so thatcan learn to code and use both robots for a plethora of activities in the STEAM Lab.
Jonathan Wesner
Project: Understanding Motors and Engines
Description: Purchase a Haynes V8 working model engine kit for students
Laura Taylor
Project: Unique Materials for Unique Learners-High School Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE)
Description: Purchase two types of student materials to be used in the program – math and literacy materials.
Meredith Jordan
Project: Creative Small Group Spaces
Description: Create creative spaces for small group learning.
Rachel Anderson
Project: Let’s Press Paws” Calm Down Space (school mascot: Husky)”
Description: Purchase materials for the Zones of Regulation program that teaches students to calm themselves down when their emotions are running high.
Robert Motrynczuk
Project: Robotics, Robotics!!!
Description: Create PBL units that challenge students to solve real world problems by incorporating VEX robotics.
Siobhan Gamboa
Project: Smarty Plants Greenhouse Project
Description: Build a greenhouse in the garden area at Providence Middle School.
Stephanie Rowan
Project: Empowering ELLs Through Literature and Restorative Practice
Description: Purchase specific multicultural/ethnic contemporary novels that provide opportunities for character analysis and study of interpersonal conflict and problem solving.
Tammie Valverde
Project: K-2 DLI Forest School
Description: Create an outdoor learning space to learn about native and non native plant and animal species . Work with local experts such as native plant and animal associations and centers as well as the Virginia Forest Services and extensions.
2020 MCD Innovation Grant Recipients
Emma Garcia
Project Name: Becoming Biliterate: Dual Language Immersion Materials
Description: Purchase IPADS and Spanish books for shared reading lessons in small groups.
Grant Award: $4,079
Carol Murphy
Project Name: Curtis Elementary Koala Robotics Club
Description: Purchase LEGO, computer and other materials to create a LEGO Robotics club.
Grant Award: $4,700
Cheryl D. Williams
Project Name: Green Screen Project Based Learning Club
Description: Purchase multimedia equipment to create a green screen project based learning club.
Grant Award: $1,600
Laura Prymak
Project Name: Increasing Student Engagement and Social Emotional Learning With Robotics and Drones
Description: Purchase drones and robots for enhanced student learning.
Grant Award: $5,000
Kathryn Ricotta
Project Name: Making Natural Connections
Description: Create an indoor environment-based learning area that will bring nature into the classroom.
Grant Award: $1,850
Beth Sawyer
Project Name: Setting Our Sights High in STEAM
Description: Purchase 10 drones with necessary accessories and an Imagination Playground large block set to implement a PBL unit integrating technology, architecture, photography and flight.
Grant Award: $5,000
Dawn Estrada
Project Name: STEAM Outdoor Learning Environment
Description: Purchase materials to create an outside learning environment and sensory gardens.
Grant Award: $4,724
Dena Brown
Project Name: Tech It Out!: Sending Technology Into The Classroom
Description: Purchase classroom sets of Ozobots, Sparks, Microbits, Code and Go Mice, Dashes, and Lego WeDos so that students can be trained to go into classrooms and assist teachers with the new technology tools.
Grant Award: $5,000
Sara Fletcher
Project Name: The Eagle’s Nest Project
Description: Create a classroom that supports the development of positive habits and reinforcements for students while under the supervision of a staff member.
Grant Award: $5,000
2019 MCD Innovative Grant Recipients
Narshara Tucker
Project Name: High Tech Stream Study!
Description: Pocoshock Creek runs through the campus. We want to engage our students in a high tech scientific stream study of the creek. We will utilize Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Information System (GIS) tools and a drone to map out and document our study.
Grant Award: $4,778
Heather Murfee
Project Name: Midlothian Media Production Lab
Description: Create a media production lab that would enhance learning opportunities for the students and allow them to participate in multimedia productions.
Grant Award: $1,882
Heather Russell
Project Name: Chesterfield County K-5 Robotics Tournament
Description: A K-5 Robotics Competition for the students of CCPS Elementary Schools.
Grant Award: $5,000
Douglas Rodgers
Project Name: GraviTrax: Marble Fun Run
Description: Purchase of a variety of GraviTrax products to get students more involved in developing engineering skills and learning about force and motion.
Grant Award: $4,032
Michelle Allen
Project Name: Mud Pies, Fairy Wings, and Pulleys: Revitalizing Recess!
Description: Purchase equipment and materials to create engaging and diverse play spaces that meet a variety of play styles to help facilitate peer interaction and engagement.
Grant Award: $5,000
Bethany Zacharias
Project Name: Literature Analysis Through Podcasting
Description: Purchase podcasting microphones for English students to participate in a New York Times student podcasting contest.
Grant Award: $3,000
Courtney Carpenter
Project Name: Creative Play with Rigamajig!
Description: Purchase Rigamajig sets as teaching tools for the classroom across all subject areas that can be as open ended as building a structure to learning geometry.
Grant Award: $4,955
Nicole Scruggs
Project Name: Break-ing Out of Boredom!
Description: Purchase one 12-kit BREAKOUT EDU bundle and pay for renewal for two years.
Grant Award: $4,000
Amanda Beason
Project Name: A New Dimension of Service: Bringing 3D Printed Solutions to Students with Special Needs
Description: Create a 3D printing workstation for OT’s and PT’s to design and make custom devices for their students.
Grant Award: $4,974
Kimberly Rice
Project Name: Girls Coding Club
Description: A yearlong Girls Coding Club for girls in grades 3-5. Students will meet twice a month throughout the year to learn more about coding, code various robots, and to practice these skills.
Grant Award: $3,492
2018 MCD Innovation Grant Recipients
Brittany Ballou
Project Name: Breaking Out of the Mold
Description: Purchase of 5 Breakout Edu School Bundles that teachers can use for SEL lessons.
Grant Award: $4,000
Liliane Burns
Project Name: Inclusive Playground
Description: Purchase playground equipment for special education students.
Grant Award: $5,000
Crystal Willoughby
Project Name: School Maker Space
Description: Provide a maker space that will give students a special area to use new and engaging technology.
Grant Award: $4,210
Kimberly Kane
Project Name: STEAM Lab Start-Up Initiative
Description: Purchase supplies, storage and equipment to create a STEAM lab and sustain it.
Grant Award: $4,299
Sandra Koch
Project Name: Pawsitive Canines
Grant Award: $3,710
Stephanie Burton
Project Name: Coding with Ozobots in Math Class
Description: Purchase two sets of Ozobots that teachers can use with their students to solve math tasks.
Grant Award: $2,552
2017 MCD Innovation Grant Recipients
Nicole Rowland
Project Name: Vermicomposting Food Waste at PVMS
Description: Implement a recycling program throughout the building from student lunches using vermicomposting. This will allow the compost to be used for school garden beds and other future garden projects
Grant Award: $3,165
Lynn Kitchens
Project Name: Get Ready to Learn – Tools for Learning, Skills for Life
Description: Implement an evidence based program, Get Ready to Learn, to assist students with disabilities to achieve the self-regulation needed for more active and successful engagement in classroom learning
Grant Award: $4,910
Katie Ricard
Project Name: Mediation Spaces at Monacan
Description: Provide a meditation space that would give students a chance to practice different coping skills
Grant Award: $4,855
Deanna Gravely
Project Name: Broadcast Journalism
Description: Purchase broadcast journalism studio equipment including professional camcorders and sound equipment
Grant Award: $5,000
Edward Tynan
Project Name: Chesterfield County Video Game League
Description: Inclusive video game league that would help students with team-work, sportsmanship, self-confidence and eye-hand coordination
Grant Award: $3,000
Terri Jeanes
Project Name: Explicit Reading Intervention Using Leveled Literacy Intervention
Description: Purchase additional Leveled Literacy Intervention kit for the PALS tutor and instructional assistants to use in their guided reading groups.
Grant Award: $3,325
Katie White
Project Name: Clover Hill HS Concussion Recovery Cave
Description: Provide a comfortable environment including quiet and dimmed (“cave-like”) seating and lighting for the students recovering from concussions as well as those suffering from migraine headaches
Grant Award: $850
2016 MCD Innovation Grant Recipients
Christine Hutto
Project Name: Biomechanical Splint Project
Description: Purchase a 3-D printer and other materials to be used by students in several areas of study to create a biomechanical device
Grant Award: $5,000
Robert Motrynczuk
Project Name: “Make It, Don’t Break It”
Description: Conversion of a computer lab into a “maker space” which is a physical location where students gather to work and would allow them the opportunity to participate in STEAM activities
Grant Award: $5,000
Dawn Slagle
Project Name: Climbing the Ropes to Success
Description: A ropes course experience and classroom materials that will assist at risk students in connecting and becoming more successful in the classroom.
Grant Award: $4,168
Lucy Rodgers
Project Name: Desayunando con Libros
Description: Purchase a variety of books in Spanish for the parents to read to their children during a breakfast provided at school (breakfast club) so that the children will see that their parents are involved in their education.
Grant Award: $2,200
Barbara Bing
Project Name: R.E.A.P (Review, Enrichment, Academics, Power-Up!)
Description: After school program for ESOL elementary students to provide structured academic support tied with enrichment
Grant Award: $4,641
Nathan Henry
Project Name: From In-Reach to Outreach..It Took a War Traveling Road Show
Description: Purchase a 3-D printer and historical artifacts that will be used during history lessons for CCHS students and then those students will take the lessons and share them with students at other schools.
Grant Award: $4,000