MEGA Mentors is a volunteer organization comprised of over 150 volunteers who support over 500 students in eight Chesterfield County Schools. MEGA is a nonprofit organization that operates as an initiative of the Chesterfield Education Foundation. The organization was founded in the fall of 2009 when Dr. Marcus Newsome, Superintendent Chesterfield County Schools, asked a few community leaders to participate as mentors to close the achievement gap with especially African American males. Since then, the organization has grown exponentially in terms of volunteers, students and programming. MEGA now serves male and female students in its mentoring programs which teach the basic values of RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, EFFORT and ACHIEVEMENT. These core values are imbedded in over 75 “lesson plan guides” developed by MEGA Mentors and friends of MEGA. The “lesson guides” also include life skills and leadership training and social experiences to broaden the student’s perspective personally, academically and socially. We understand that all learning does not occur in the classroom. The organization sponsors speakers from all professions. In addition, MEGA also sponsors field trips, goal-oriented recognition programs and awards to encourage achievement. MEGA also sponsors tutoring assistance at Carver Middle School. In addition, MEGA also participates in the Falling Creek After-School Program.
In March, 2015 MEGA Mentors was recognized as ‘Community Partner of the Year’ by the Chesterfield County School Board and Administration. MEGA was also recognized in January,2015 as recipient of ‘The Presidents Volunteer Service Award’ for community service. In summary, our goals are to build hope, student efficacy, goal orientation and leadership skills which will eventually lead to better scholastic and behavioral results. MEGA results to date prove that we are making a measurable difference in these areas. Please refer to our website (www.MEGAmentors.org) and social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for details.
To learn more visit us at www.megamentors.org.